This was a team design project. We needed to come up with a unified style with a thoughtful story behind, and then designed different home products for the same space. People are mostly dipped in a modern, minimalism style daily. These colors however create an indifferent atmosphere that creates suppression. In order to neutralize this tension driven daily. We decide to target the lifestyle to be relatively playful and relaxing.With the idea above, Our design style takes inspiration from the Spanish architectural style, also combines the Memphis geometric approach, which gives out a completely different feeling than lifestyles people experience during daytime. For this project, I designed an umbrella stand called "MarTiNi".

I was inspired by the leisure time that people holding martini drink and enjoying the beautiful sunshine outdoors. So I wanted to design a home product that was able to deliver this kind of feeling to people. Our targeting space is the entrance, I thought the umbrella stand would be a perfect object. I was into the concept of designing the shape of the umbrella stand into martini glass.

I decided to use the yellow called New York Taxi yellow with a touch of Missy Piggy Pink color. Because I believed these two colors combined together would bring out the whimsical feeling.

There was an interesting twist moment that I put into the design. The user can only see martini glass shape from a certain angle. I didn’t want to make the shape of the umbrella stand too specific, so I put this little fun twist into the design, which created an interaction between users and the product.

MarTiNi was also able to fit different sizes of umbrellas.